Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WHY? (the poem) prt1

Why do I like V.I.P. with the louie sippers? Why some love diamonds,gucci and louie slippers?
Why do some dudes front around the bittys? Why are world governments building underground city's?
Y'all still don't hear me.

Why they treat me bad since my birth?
Why would I go with them to space when they treat me bad on earth?

Why did my homie stab me in the back? Why is methamphetamines for whites and crack for blacks?
Why were they really over in Iraq? Why instead of being a God, He wants to be a mack?

He's controlled by his erection, doesn't care about the Man, Woman, and Child connection.

Easily lead in the wrong, but hard to be lead in the right direction.

Reduced to players, pimps and criminals ,check out the subliminals.

Why is T.V. breaking up my home? Why won't the Skull and Bone,
just leave me alone?

Why do you think Willie Lynch will succeed? Why my sisters wanna mix their seed?
Why are most motivated by greed? Why do they put truth in books?
Because the brothers don't read, true indeed.
Let me bring y'all up to speed.

They support politicians, gangsters and crooks
Why so much resistance to support RawRome books?

But I will succeed I got the super facts. Why is Dr. York locked down in super max?

And y'all still trying to give the game a face lift. Why the disagreeable forces influenced my boy to shapeshift?

Love, Love, Love - no bang! bang! Why down south still have the chain gang?

The ghetto rev, 52 sev, ask the questions? Why everyday, gun play like an old wild western?

Lets educate, build and protect our blessing.

Why do they sedate our warriors and misdirect their aggression?

So what I'm doing to your head is deeper then aleeve. Why is our EVE so naive? Saying things out her mouth some can't believe. But there is nothing collectivelly we can't achieve.

This is my MALCOLM X SWAGGER by any means. Why is that grown man in those skinny jeans?

I question sometimes It makes me seem obscene, On my life I will never hurt the queen, because she is going to rule in 2013.

Jerome (RawRome) Enders
a.k.a Ghetto Rev copyright 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010


What will the reader get out of this book? You will be taken into the life of an unknown superstar as he struggles with the social ills that plagues most inner city blackmen. You will learn the fundamentals of how to develop a classic music portfolio, and why some artists are easy prey for industry sharks. You will read about the different personalities between the daytime (sun) DMX and the night time (moon) DMX. And for the readers pleasure I added the stories in the book about DMXs' crazy ass dog boomer that was trained to do stick ups and flee from the police.

Also, in the book you will get an exclusive interview with DMXs' uncle Colle J and his thoughts on his nephews success rise and fall. As he reminds his nephew of his roots and expresses his feelings about the yes men that he surrounded himself with that lead to his eventual demise. I have also included for the reader original hand written letters from DMXs' jail cell that he wrote to DJ Superior, which he made a lot of promises that he didn't honor. Hopefully, the reader can learn what DJ Superior did to overcome the obstacles of being rubbed out of the music industries cash cow that he helped develop. In the man that walked the dog it's going to show you the not so pretty side of the game. Remember, "every dog has his day". In the words of DMX "stop being greedy".

Saturday, December 18, 2010

HEAVENS ARMS(the poem- part 1)

When they drop the bombs/i will be in heavens arms ,When the emergency broadcast system alarms/i will be in heavens arms,When they start putting microchips in our baby's palms/i will be in heavens arms. heavens arms

From the pyramid doors, to the American shores, Its logged in the archieves that George Washington was groomed by the moors
,but during the moon cycle y'all forgot about yours.

From tricknowledge, spook ism and politics, everyone knows is a pile of tricks,
breeding inside conflicts and dirty licks,as i run through the project bricks.

in this final hour,with tears in my eyes shooting 9 to the 9th power.

I still get paid and flex the ice.but here's my secret im a E.T. like Christ.

and because of that all my life ,i have been paying the price.

You see i appear,disappear, then reappear.alot of yall are surprised that I'm still here.

shit i am myself ,i got rapped by women ,i got rapped by wealth.

the master builder in the dark with my mystery tools

taking ghetto kids through Egyptian mystery schools.

You ask whats my statistics ?i roll with ancient mystics

and a few brothers who want control of the districts.

so we can be in heavens arms

So when they drop the bombs/i will be in heavens arms. And when the emergancy broadcast system alarms /i will be in heavens arms

When they start putting microchips in our babys palms /i will be in heavens arms

Heavens arms. (copyright 2010)

Friday, December 17, 2010


Twenty years ago I could never imagine that I would be writing a book about DMX; but in 2011 I have been given the opportunity to write a piece of history that was conceived in the mean streets of Yonkers, and a history that I actually witnessed with my own eyes. I saw a guy who had nothing but a talent and a relentless fire to get his music heard. He went from stick up kid to one of the best rappers to ever do it despite his personal demons. As I was developing the story I kept thinking about how I was going to approach it and what angle to come from. However, one thing I realized early in the project was that no matter what I wrote about X that I was going to fall under the microscope of heavy scrutiny. Therefore, I came to the conclusion to hit it from a 360* approach, which is fair and balanced 180 positive/180 negative. With that in mind the reader can draw their own conclusions.

Why did I choose that approach? Because ever since DMXs' first record he has been honest about his life. His drug addiction, criminal activity and his trials and tribulations; and that's what the world fell in love with his honesty. He put it out there and said take it or leave it, love it or hate it. From the beginning he was honest and didn't sugar coat anything. He told the world that he was dirty so with all that info being public knowledge how am I expected to write a book about him depicted as a angel? That's not real! However, I'm not going to throw him under the bus either. AS a Yonkers native and a hip hop pioneer of the town DMXs' success in the music industry always meant something special to me. He took what we had germinating in the Yonkers mountains for decades and took it to the 4 corners of the earth. He opened up a door that will never be closed again. With that point in mind "the man that walked the dog" is going to fill in a lot of blanks and give answers to a lot of questions that DMX fans may have about different stages in his life.

Why were you chosen to write the book? First, I would like to say that I wrote the book for "The Most Hated" d.j. Superior (refer to Yonkers the lost city of hip hop pg-112) at a book signing that he attended that Trev Hollywood gave me. He told me that he wanted me to tell the story because of my deep roots to the culture and the respect that he had for me.

What's so special about "The Most Hated"? I will give it to you like this if something was to happen to DMX The Most Hated can supply the world with DMX material and music for the next 20 years or so. People would think that DMX faked his death that's how much material he has. The Most Hated was DMXs' trainer he walked the dog. They recorded over 300 songs before his first record ever came out. And I must bring to your attention that when you see any old school footage on DMX I will use VH1 for example, all that material was supplied by the Most Hated DJ Superior. Now, in 2011 The Most Hated is speaking out and wants the world to know how it really went down. STAY TUNED!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It all started many years ago just messing words that had a connection taking my thoughts ,experiences and creativity in which the final product was a poem/ rap.A form of communication that i used to educate and inspire .I used mental pictures and projection, talked about the social ills of the streets and i even went to the other extreme writting about knowledge of self and kind. My formula was so potent that it inspiried the legendary hip-hop group the lox/D-BLOCK to develope there craft.(ref to wikipedia the lox/dblock'early career'& source magazine jan 2000 pg.113)

As i evolve as a author im developing my skills to leave the same mental impressions on the readers of my materials as my body of work begins to mature and take different form. With that in mind my 1st couple of books were written about hip-hop .Critics and readers are impressed because it not your typical storyline about the music.I must add that i chose to write about the culture because it was my writting foundation plus i had a story to tell and most importantly history had to be logged. But im not limited to hip-hop and in 2011 besides the hiphop books that are due to be released. I challedged myself as a creative mind and took on the task to write a social documentry that i plan to release in the springof 2011. And its going to be followed by a exclusive autobiograpry about a hollywood icon due to be released in the winter of 2011.And i also have been blessed to become a member of the zoser research society.As a writter i never know were my pen is going to take me but were ever it takes me im going to leave my signature.Sometimes when i sit back and reflect on how far i came as a writter i acknowledge the fact that i owe it to my hiphop roots>Not to blow my own horn but how many people in this world can say that there work influenced superstars.